News about green issues

A modest PC for everyone

Groen:    Gemak:

After a few years of investigations, GroenGemak does its first move to reduce energy expenditure of computers. We developed a small series of HOME COMPUTERS ON 7 WATT, which are now available for public sale.

Keywords: energy habitat

GroenGemak Annual Report 2009

Groen:    Gemak:

The year 2009 was a serious startup year for GroenGemak. A lot has happened.

Keywords: service report

GroenGemak speaks to the local council of Enschede

Groen:    Gemak:

On September 14, 2009, GroenGemak spoke to a delegation of the local council of Enschede, about the future of food supply in the Netherlands and in Enschede.

Keywords: peak oil food habitat health

Permaculture at hacker conference HAR'2009

Groen:    Gemak:

At the hacker conference HAR'2009, we introduced the topic of Permaculture because it is a design approach that is intruiging to the technical mind, especially to the creative technical mindset found in hackers. The topic happens to be mainly agricultural, but the positive responses from an audience of about 400 people showed that this is not such a weird idea.

Keywords: permaculture hacking

Information about solar energy

Groen:    Gemak:

The Sun provides us with masses of energy, totally free. The only thing you need to do is capture it, and turn it into forms that you can put to use. It will make you less dependent on oil and natural gas. With prices rising sky-high, certainly in the coming years, that can be quite useful.

Keywords: energy peak oil habitat

Triodos Bank is the most sustainable

Groen:    Gemak:

The Dutch Triodos Bank has won an international contest: they have been announced the most sustainable bank in the world! GroenGemak also does its banking through Triodos, and is proud to learn this from its bank; at the same time, the bank is a pleasant bank to be a customer of.

Keywords: habitat

GroenGemak generates 1000 kWh in half a year

Groen:    Gemak:

On May 31st of 2009, at 11:57 GMT, the solar cells on the rooftop of GroenGemak passed the milestone of 1000 kWh, or 1 MWh. This energy yields EUR 564 in energy paybacks, or lesser cost. It also saves the world 410 kilograms of CO2 and 0,24 grams nuclear waste, compared to the local default supplier. All this on a normal rooftop in a city, in about half a year!

Keywords: energy habitat peak oil

Handouts for the Permaculture Course 2009

Groen:    Gemak:

The handouts for this course_ are now available for download. Since the course was in Dutch, so are the handouts! They contain the global line, but lack the details and many examples that make the course itself interesting.

Keywords: permaculture course

TetraPack demystified

Groen:    Gemak:

If you recycle your waste thoroughly, you may have noticed that the main residue comprises of packages with strongly bonded layers, which neither belong to metal nor plastic waste.

Keywords: waste habitat

Green energy turns out to be a bargain

Groen:    Gemak:

According to a publication by the Telegraaf newspaper, the green energy supplier GreenChoice is only beaten in price by a single gray energy supplier, and only by a few euros a year.
