Welcome at GroenGemak
This site demonstrates that it is easy to be sustainable in a comfortable way. It is full of ideas that you can immediately apply to your own situation. And might it get a bit too complicated, then we'll be happy to help you out.
GroenGemak is a Dutch company with a simpe mission: guiding people, companies and governments towards sustainable alternatives for their current way of life. This is often simply a matter of a change of habit after a bit of rethinking how you currently redo things.
We generally employ the constructive principles of Permaculture and Cradle to Cradle to come up with innovative, and in retrospect often simple, solutions that are more sustainable than the current practice. Just contact us if you would like to know if we can help you with your project!
News: GroenGemak launches a PC on 7 Watt that appears to be ideal for modest users: it is quiet, instantly available, and it will not cast a shadow on one's electricity bill. The frustrations with common desktops have also been resolved: licenses, virusses and spam are practically non-existent.
GroenGemak publishes its annual report over 2009, listing its activities (both successes and failures) over 2009 and giving a bit of a peek into the possibilities of 2010. Happy new year to everybody out there!
Like in 2009, GroenGemak will present its Permaculture course targeted at the locals in Enschede. We find it important to present this approach to sustainability problems in our locality, and have received strong encouragement to repeat the effort by last year's crew.
Older news: GroenGemak speaks to the local council about future food supply.
Information about solar energy on the evening of 9.9.2009 in Enschede. A personal story about harvesting solar energy on an average roof.
News: Permaculture Course in Enschede, the Netherlands in March-April 2009.